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Our Love Story...
It all began one hot summer day in 2013. Ian and Alysha met in the middle of a field in Camrose, AB, during a music festival. They spent the entire weekend talking and dancing together. When Sunday came and it was time to say goodbye Alysha gave Ian her phone number hoping, but not expecting, to hear from him again. Twenty minutes later Ian texted Alysha, and they haven't stopped talking since.
While Ian's job took him out of town frequently, they tried to see each other as often as they could. Very early one morning in late August, in between flights from vacation to work, Ian stopped to see Alysha for the few hours that he would be in Edmonton. Before leaving Ian gave her a small gift: M&Ms, Alysha's favourite, custom-made in her favourite colour, with the words "Be my gf?" printed on them.
Needless to say, Alysha accepted and the couple continued to grow their relationship. While on a date in November, Alysha unexpectedly, to both herself and Ian, blurted out those three little words: "I love you!" She had been thinking it so loudly in her head that the words accidentally popped out. To her relief the sentiment was reciprocated, and now the couple rarely goes more than a few hours without expressing their love for each other.
While on vacation in Disney World in May 2015 Alysha inadvertently thwarted Ian's multiple attempts to propose during the fireworks show. After the crowds had left, and as they stood alone under the twinkling lights of Cinderella's castle Ian was finally able to ask Alysha to spend the rest of her life with him.
In brief:
In length:
They Met
August 1st, 2013
Went Steady
August 26th, 2013
Said I Love You
November 12th, 2013
Got Engaged
May 7th, 2015
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